How Remote Guarding Modernizes Construction Site Security

Becklar provides an innovative, technologically advanced, cost-effective construction site security solution with remote guarding.

How Remote Guarding Modernizes Construction Site Security

Construction sites are full of hustle and bustle, and more importantly, lots of expensive equipment and other valuable assets. Traditional security systems leave these sites open to vandalism, unauthorized visitors, and theft. Remote guarding services from Becklar Monitoring can help revolutionize construction site security and protect businesses against loss.

Traditional Security on Construction Sites

Traditional security often consists of on-site personnel and/or static cameras used for surveillance which presents several challenges. There are blind spots that can’t be seen by the static cameras, delayed response times, and the inherent issues with having human security guards who can only cover a certain portion of the site at a time. These challenges can leave construction sites vulnerable and compromise the overall effectiveness of the security solution in place, resulting in lost time and increased costs due to theft, vandalism, or damage.

Innovation in Security Solutions

That’s where a solution like remote guarding from Becklar Monitoring comes into play. It represents a shift in the way security has been traditionally done for the construction industry. It is an innovative, industry-leading solution, leveraging real-time intervention, artificial intelligence and voice command, to create a robust security solution.

Traditional Security vs. Remote Guarding

Let’s compare how remote guarding works vs. traditional security solutions:

  • Monitoring in Real-time: With remote guarding, the customer enjoys real-time, continuous monitoring through a series of high-tech cameras and sensors. This ensures that every section of the construction site is under surveillance all the time as opposed to traditional security solutions which rely on stationary cameras and periodic patrols that can miss a lot.
  • Proactive Deterrence: With remote guarding, our trained professionals can assess a threat and communicate with intruders in real-time, alerting them that the authorities have been contacted and they need to leave the premises immediately. This proactive threat deterrence prevents further crime and overall costs from damages, theft, etc. Traditional security measures can only react to threats after they’ve turned into incidents, delaying response and assessing damage after it’s already been done.
  • Cost-effective Solutions: Remote guarding is a great economical and cost-effective alternative to security personnel, with an automated system that operates 24/7. The elimination of on-site staff can lead to significant cost savings for construction sites.
  • Easy Scalability for Sites: Becklar Monitoring solutions are designed to easily scale for both smaller and larger construction sites.
  • Integration with Other Security Solutions: Remote guarding is easily layered and integrated with other security solutions, creating a more complete security approach. Traditional security often lacks the flexibility to adapt to evolving needs on a construction site.

Contact Becklar Monitoring

Ready to implement enterprise monitoring in your organization or learn about individual-connected safety solutions in your industry?

O verall, Becklar provides an innovative, technologically advanced, cost-effective security solution with remote guarding. Initial investments lead to significant savings in the long run as our solutions can adapt to meet emerging challenges and be tailored for each project/site’s unique needs.

To learn more, please contact us at