This year’s National Safety Stand Down Week is in the books and we start off a new week mindful of the fact that construction
safety is important all 52 weeks of the year. Fatalities caused by construction workers falling from high elevations
is the number one cause of death in the construction industry, and as we’ve learned this week, most of these accidents
are totally preventable.
Here are five smartphone apps that can help reinforce the safety message all year long…
National Safety Stand Down Official App
You may have been using this app all week and there is no reason to stop now. Chock-full of resources including toolbox talks,
guides and videos, the official app of #StandDown4Safety is a comprehensive repository for valuable information designed
to raise awareness and help reduce or eliminate falls in the workplace.
iPhone and iPad National Safety Stand-Down App
Harness Hero
Safety professionals from all facets of the construction industry came together to develop this fun mobile game that tests
a player’s skills in using a fall arrest system. In every part of Harness Hero, the player must choose where to place
an anchor, what type of device to use for it, how to fasten a harness, etc. In this game, the user must also run a thorough
inspection on the equipment, looking for rips, burns, rust, and possible areas of malfunction. The true test at the end
is when the player falls – and you see the security of your system through the outcome of a rescue, injury, fatality,
or walking away unscathed.
iPhone and iPad Harness Hero Game
Android Harness Hero Game
We aren’t normally ones to toot our own horn, but we built FallSafety Pro as a solution first and a business second. We are
passionate about jobsite safety and we believe that shows when you use our app.
FallSafety Pro monitors for falls using the sensors built into your iPhone or Android phone. After a fall is detected, an
alarm sounds and the worker has 45 seconds to signal they are ok before emergency contacts are alerted by phone, text
and email (including a link to a map with the exact location of the worker).
iPhone: Download the App
Android: Download the App or Learn More About FallSafety Pro App
Safety Meeting
Your safety meetings are important and this app is designed to efficiently track meetings, incidents, employee attendance,
and more.
Users of the app have the ability to track accidents, incidents, and close calls & print them via PDF format. Safety
meetings are date stamped and attendance can be marked and attendance confirmed by using your camera.
iPhone and iPad Safety Meeting App
Android Safety Meeting App
NIOSH Ladder Safety
This slick safety app concentrates on proper ladder usage. Its smart, multimodal indicator uses sound, visual, and vibrations
to help the person position the ladder at a perfect angle. The interactive reference guidelines, checklists and other
materials even assist with extension and stepladder inspection and use.
iPhone and iPad Ladder Safety App
Android Ladder Safety App
Your Smartphone’s Camera
Using your smartphone’s camera can be pretty useful in documenting job sites where safety procedures are being practiced
well and/or areas that can be improved. Being able to visually show employees in a recap meeting what is going on can
boost your team’s morale and help with mitigating risks…hopefully leading to less accidents!